Review - Hangover Part II

The wolfpack is back and this time it is ....really similar.

The Hangover Part Duo is an exercise in if it ain’t broke then it is going to make you a lot of money.
Not much new to report in the way of story, Stu (Ed Helms) is getting married in Thailand, so the whole crew comes along to celebrate, they go to have just one drink and well you know what happens next.
Still the Hangover Part II is funny and in parts it is extremely funny but just not as funny as the first film because...well you’ve seen it all before.
The film makes use of the city of Bangkok with the locations showing the squalid and the splendid.
Whilst most of the characters haven’t progressed from the first Hangover, one has certainly regressed.
That character is Alan (Zach Galifianakis ).
Sure in The Hangover he was strange and perhaps a little off and maybe had a hint of a learning impairment...however in this film, he is one step shy of needing a full time minder.
As Kirk Lazarus says in Tropic Thunder – You never go full retard. 
The supporting cast doesn’t have a lot to do with the exception Mr Chow (Ken Jeong), a reoccurring character from the first film. He is frenetic and wild and provides a bit more than the usual supporting character schtick in these kinds of films.
In the end though it is more of the same from the boys, with hints and clues and crazy happenings on the night they wish they could remember (also chucked in are a few misplaced and not even needed emotional scenes) and in the end the audience knows what is going happen, knows that characters will act in certain ways and that’s cool, because they’ll get what they paid for. As long as they aren't expecting anything new.


  1. Why do we keep letting Hollywood do this to us? The Hangover wasn't exactly a great concept to begin with so the fact the first film wasn't a dud was a nice surprise but did we really need to see it rehashed again?

    The box office says Yes!


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