Review - Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood has all the elements of stinker. Bad dialogue, average acting and a lazy script - however it rises above these setbacks and against all odds it is watchable.
Everyone knows the fairytale of Little Red Riding Hood. There is a slight twist on the fairytale but one which has been before in A Company of Wolves. Both leads Amanda Seyfried and soon to be teenage girl fantasy Shiloh Fernandez (DeadGirl) play their parts as well as they can, given what they have to work with is pretty dire, however their on-screen chemistry is good. The rest of the cast including an over the top Gary Oldman, give adequate performances and keep the story going. The director Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight, Lords of Dogtown, Thirteen) does a good enough job, without seeming to really get the film cooking, with the exception of the party scene in the village which undoubtedly the best scene in the entire film. A little bit long for a film of this kind but one I am sure that will be a favourite with the teens, with non-threatening boys and non-threatening werewolves abounding. As I said before I found it watchable but really it was only because Seyfried is amazingly beautiful. Seriously, I'd watch her making a salad.


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