The End is Nigh...
So the world was meant to end on Friday at some stage...and it didn’t. Well not to my knowledge. However, here are a bunch of films that can fail to do the apocalypse justice and some that get it right.
The Road
Bleak as hell, The Road is a great apocalypse film.
A lot of it has to do with the acting and writing but also its effectiveness comes from the fact that the event or events that lead the world to this stage aren’t discussed or shown, just the results after the fact, although it does end with a little bit of hope....
Night of the Living Dead
Have the dead risen? Yep.
Is humanity in turmoil? Yep.
Is the ever present spectre of hate/anger/frustration and every bad human emotion out of control? Yep!
Its apocalypse time, baby!
George A Romero’s freaking masterpiece is a great end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it film, throw in a daughter dining lavishly on mum and dad and a hint of incest and you’ve got a pretty awful end of the world party happening.
Deep Impact Vs Armageddon
On the commercial side of the apocalypse comes Deep Impact and Armageddon.
Deep Impact is a far better film than its Baysplosion brother Armageddon. Whilst Armageddon goes the blockbuster route of trying to be cool whilst saving the Earth (thanks to Mr Bay) whereas Deep Impact tries to connect on an emotional level whilst still having the CGI, the doomed mission to destroy the asteroid hurtling toward Earth – all without resorting to possibly the worst line ever wrote then spoken in cinema history.........................and here it is...
He's got space dementia.
ID4/The Day after Tomorrow/2012 ....basically anything Ronald Emmerich has made.
This guy loves a good apocalypse, unfortunately for the audience none of the them are any good. Great CGI, average acting and even worse writing, that pretty much describes all of the above films...
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