Review - The Ides of March
Based around a fictional Democrat presidential election, the story is about the junior campaign manager Stephen Meyers (Ryan Gosling) and how idealism, belief and morality can be erased by the actions of others and the decisions that Stephen makes.
Featuring one of the best casts in recent memory, The Ides of March is just a showcase of acting. Not one person is seems out of their depth with material or when held up against one another. Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti, Clooney, Gosling, Evan Rachael Wood all do wonderful work here and it is a testament that despite the story being a little dry, that these actors can keep the story moving along and actually make you care about the people in the thick of political wrangling.
Gosling is exceptional as the one non-cynical beacon in a sea of cynics. A lot of the film rides on his back and he carries it off with aplomb.
Clooney's direction lets all the action, unfold organically with nothing special used – nor needed. Clooney’s study in what we already knew – that politics is a dirty game – is a measured and thoughtful one - the total opposite of how the media would portray something like this. The ending of the film though predictable is a kick in teeth and real seems that everyone that gets involved in politics does have to beware...
Gosling is terrific in this film, he is truly becoming the number one male star of the current era.