Review - Paranormal Activity 2

Going with the prequel to original story, the writers have managed to come up with a very interesting story of how the wonderfully endowed Katie from the first film came to be haunted by a demonic force.
Still sticking with the found footage angle, this time though it is mostly through stationary security cameras in the house, installed after a would be break in. A nice touch is having the daughter occasionally filming things with her own personal camera.
Unfortunately for me, PA2 just didn't have the same chills as the first one did, probably because there was nothing really new and for much of the run time not much happens at all. A full force finale does save the film somewhat, giving you some answers as to how things came to be, yet opening open a huge cans of worms about the past (which we will learn about in PA3 & 4 I guess).
With about only two really scary moments and none of the atmosphere the first film has, I have to say that this film was an interesting failure (in my eyes - not the box office, which it made squillions), however it must have done something right as I am keen to see PA3.
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